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3 Ways to Spring Clean Your Animal Reiki Practice

It’s Spring and the days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer! As the trees and flowers come to life, they remind us that new beginnings and fresh possibilities are ahead of us.

This month’s Animal Reiki Talk will be next Tuesday (delayed 1 week due to Spring break this week) and our topic will be:

April Animal Reiki Talk Topic: Expanding Our Animal Reiki Compassion Footprint Date: April 13, 2021 Time: 6PM Pacific time CLICK HERE to join online or listen in to the recording afterwards

or join via phone: Dial: +1 605-562-0444Show ID: 85041

Hope to see you there!

Spring is a great time to take stock of our Animal Reiki practice and find ways to refresh, revitalize and renew our relationships with animals. Here are 3 ways to “spring clean” your Animal Reiki practice to make a bigger difference in the world, for animals.

1) Refresh:

Our Animal Reiki practice focuses on letting animals lead us towards spiritual lessons in healing and balancing our lives. Take a look at the time we spend with animals: How much of that time is mindful and truly present? Are there ways we can deepen the quality of the time we spend with them? Are there places in your relationship with animals that might have room for more listening, more stillness and more open-hearted presence?

2) Revitalize:

Who are the animals you practice meditation with regularly? Are there animals you haven’t meditated with, but wish you could (for example, shelter animals in your community)? Are there species of animals you feel deeply connected to, but that you haven’t yet shared meditation with (for example, wild animals in the local nature around you)? Make a list of animals and places where you’d like to expand your Animal Reiki practice in the coming months.

3) Renew:

Our Animal Reiki practice is not just about the time we spend in meditation, but also the ripple effects this meditation has on our life beyond the formal practice. How do your consumer choices affect the well-being of animals in the world? Think about products you purchase such as cosmetics, cleaning supplies and the food that you eat. For example, I love Urban Decay’s make-up, such as their Eye Shadow Primer. Make a decision to purchase products with more mindfulness towards the good of animals. In the same vein, now is also a great time to bring more plant-based recipes to your diet! Here are a few that I’ve tried recently that are really delicious!

By taking time to refresh, revitalize and renew your Animal Reiki practice, you can truly expand your compassion footprint in the world for animals, this Spring and beyond!

Stay safe, be well and may the animals light your way,

Kathleen Prasad's Animated Signature
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