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Animal Reiki Affirmations to Boost Your Practice

Writer's picture: Kathleen PrasadKathleen Prasad

Updated: Oct 11, 2024

In the world of holistic healing, Animal Reiki affirmations can create a powerful synergy for both you and your animal companions. While Animal Reiki is already known for its gentle energy of healing support, adding positive affirmations enhances the connection between practitioner and animal, amplifying the calming and restorative effects. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how affirmations can deepen your Animal Reiki practice, walk through Animal Reiki techniques that naturally align with affirmations, and offer a new way to seamlessly integrate them. Plus, we’ll share top tips for crafting effective affirmations and five simple practices to help you get started right away! 

woman practices Animal Reiki affirmations to enhance her practice by easily shifting her energy

How Can Animal Reiki Affirmations Help Me? 

Affirmations have many wonderful effects, including for our own healing! Here are four of my favorite ways affirmations help us heal ourselves. 

An affirmation for positive mindset and self-empowerment: I am strong. I am resilient. I am loved. 

This is one of my personal favorite affirmations to use when times get tough. Because of my lifelong battle with anxiety (which Reiki has helped so much with!), I am very mindful in times of stress, that I can pop back into old and anxious habits. That’s why I integrate affirmations into my mind whenever I feel negative thoughts creeping in. 

Remember, if we fill our mind with something positive, there’s no room for the negative! I also always remember to repeat this affirmation over and over, like a mantra. This really helps me feel a boost in my self-confidence and self-worth.

When tough times threaten to overwhelm me with a feeling of helplessness, staying hopeful and in a space of love with affirmations is a real life-saver! 

An affirmation for enhanced energy flow: All is well.  

When I’m doing a self-healing session—or even when I’m offering an Animal Reiki session—this is hands-down favorite affirmation. Just repeating it in my mind creates an immediate and positive shift in the vibration of my energy, and I can literally feel an increase in the flow of the energy. 

Negative thoughts and worries about an animal’s health condition really impede the flow of energy within us, so countering them with a positive affirmation that’s simple and powerful, like “All is well,” has an immediate positive effect! 

An affirmation for reducing stress and anxiety: I can handle whatever arises.  

Have you ever noticed how worried thoughts can completely derail your mind into helplessness and negativity? I love this positive affirmation to help remind me that, “Ok, maybe I can’t always control what is happening, but you know what? I can control how I respond to situations.” And I have the strength, courage and positivity to handle any situation. 

Just reframing a tough situation with a reminder that “I can do this!” can really foster a deeper sense of peace and control over my emotions.  

An affirmation for positive thinking and emotional strength: I expect and embrace miracles. 

Especially during the toughest times: times of loss, setbacks or trauma, the world can seem dark and hopeless. Bringing in affirmations at those darkest moments can reinforce hope and balance and help us get through it all. Just when I feel all is lost, that’s my favorite time to bring in the reminder that miracles can and do happen, and I’m ready for it! 

Remember that affirmations are an easy and effective way to improve your own mental well-being and shift yourself into a healing space where you can be of better service to animals! It is possible to stay positive during Animal Reiki sessions.

A cute sugar glider sits while his carer practices Animal Reiki affirmations

How Can Affirmations Help Animals During Animal Reiki?  

Affirmations can also have a positive effect on animals—especially when used by their caretakers. Although animals don't necessarily understand the words of affirmations, they are highly sensitive to energy, emotions, and the tone that we set in each moment. 

Here are five ways way can use affirmations to support the animals we are helping: 

1. Calming energy transfer.

You are safe, loved and protected. 

Peace embraces us. 

When we use affirmations with a calm, peaceful intention, animals can sense the soothing energy we radiate. Repeating these calm affirmations, whether silently in our mind or in a calm and loving voice, can help reduce an animal's anxiety, making them feel more secure and relaxed. 

2. Enhanced bonding with humans.

I am grateful to be sharing this moment with you. 

I am always here for you. 

Affirmations promote positive energy, which can deepen the bond between an animal and the people helping them. If we can focus on positive thoughts and affirmations while interacting with the animal, it creates a nurturing, trusting energy and environment for them. This creates a strong sense of emotional security and helps the animal feel more connected and loved. 

An orange cat relaxes on a dapple lit porch taking a Reiki nap

3. Stress reduction in animals.

You make my heart smile. 

My heart is a sanctuary of peace, love and compassion. 

Animals pick up on the emotional state of the people around them. If we can create affirmations that reduce our own stress and create a positive mindset and emotional feeling, the animal is more likely to feel calm and less stressed in our presence. This is particularly beneficial for animals with anxiety or trauma. 

4. Behavioral Improvement

You are healthy, whole and perfect. 

Peace embraces this moment. 

Affirmations can also be helpful for behavioral issues. For example, if we choose the right affirmation to help us stay patient and focused during difficult moments, this can improve the animal’s behavior over time because they can count on our consistent, positive reinforcement. In essence, a calm, peaceful energy can encourage a balanced response from the animal.

In addition, when we can choose to see deeper than the problem issue, and focus on the animal’s perfect spiritual essence, this can shift the energy into a beneficial vibration that the animal will be drawn to. 

5. Supporting animal healing and well-being.

You are healthy, strong and thriving. 

I hold a space of love and compassion for you. I invite you to share this space with me. 

It’s important to use the affirmations for our animals as a way to reinforce positive thoughts, and seeing the animal as whole and perfect. If we focus on the animal’s “problems,” our energy focuses on the negative and can cause the animal to not want to connect with us. 

To create a healing affirmation, first allow yourself to acknowledge the pain or discomfort the animal may be feeling. This lets them know that you see them and are listening. Just don’t get stuck there, keep going deeper. Use an affirmation as a way to affirm the perfect inner spirit of the animal, that is always strong and light, no matter what external challenges they may be facing.  

While animals may not comprehend the specifics of our affirmations, the positive energy, calmness, and intent we have behind them can have a real impact on their emotional well-being and overall behavior. 

Our animals are so sensitive to our energy, and positive energy is contagious. Feel free to create the affirmations that feel right for you in that moment; then they will have the most powerful effects! 

A humming bird extends towards orange flowers during an Animal Reiki session

Three Animal Reiki Techniques that Already Incorporate Affirmations 

1. The Reiki Precepts 

These precepts, as translated from Usui’s Memorial Stone in Japan, are: 

For today only... 

Do not anger 

Do not worry 

Be grateful 

Work diligently 

Be kind to others 

As you can see from these precepts, there are two of them that are already affirmations, in and of themselves: be grateful and be kind to others. 

Gratitude and kindness are wonderful positive affirmations for living a happy life, and will not only improve our own state of mind and energy, but also be felt by our animals and an inviting and safe energy that they will be drawn to for comfort and support.  

As far as the other precepts, we can modify them to create affirmations to use. For example, “do not anger” can become, “I radiate peace.” “Do not worry” can become, “I am filled with confidence and courage.”  

The 4th precept, “work diligently,” is a reminder that we must work hard to incorporate these ideals into our lives. Usui believed that these precepts were the secret to inviting happiness and the spiritual medicine for all illnesses. It’s clear that Usui understood the connection between our thoughts and our energy!  

We can use the Reiki Precepts as affirmations for our own healing and to support the animals in our lives.  

2. The Reiki Mantras 

The Reiki Mantras taught in Levels 2 and 3 training are, in essence, affirmation techniques. Each mantra’s meaning comes from Japanese spiritual teachings and help us raise our vibration by creating the sound and focusing our mind on the mantra. 

For example, the 2nd Reiki mantra means “harmony” which is a wonderful affirmation to use to shift our vibration when we feel negative, worried or focused on what is “wrong” in a situation. I love chanting the 2nd mantra as a way to invoke the energy of harmony in a physical way into the space. It’s like Reiki’s own version of sound healing! 

It’s important to remember, when chanting the mantras, to always make sure your animals are comfortable with the volume, tone and speed of your chant. It’s easy, when we are observant and sensitive to their needs, to change up our chanting so that it’s most agreeable for the animals in our presence.  

3. The Joshin Kokyu Ho Meditation 

The Joshin Kokyu Ho, a Japanese Reiki breathing method, already incorporates affirmations. In this technique, as you breathe you visualize any areas of stress or discomfort in your body, imagine the light you inhale dissolves all of that and replaces it with a feeling of well-being. Then you exhale that light of positivity out in the space around you. My favorite way to summarize this feeling of well-being is with the affirmation, “all is well.”  

Here is another Animal Reiki Technique That Is Great for Adding in Affirmations  

The great thing about Animal Reiki affirmations is that they are an easy way to focus our minds on the positive. Adding them into our existing Animal Reiki meditations is quite easy, and a wonderful remedy for our distracted “monkey-minds” during meditations.  

One technique that melds quite well with affirmations is the hands-on healing self-practice (which is also a wonderful, gentle way to hold space for animals). I like to recite the precepts as affirmations in each hand position. Another way to use affirmations in this technique is to choose your favorite affirmation and repeat this affirmation three (or more) times in each position.   

A woman sits on her couch creating her own positive affirmations to practice

Top Tips for Creating Animal Reiki Affirmations 

Now that we know how closely aligned affirmations are to our Animal Reiki practice, are you ready to create some? Here are my top tips: 

Keep them positive and present-tense. 

Focus on what you want to create or achieve, rather than what you want to avoid. Write affirmations in the present tense as if the desired outcome is already happening. For example: 

Instead of: "I will stop being stressed." 

Use: "I am calm and at peace." 

Focus on what you want to feel.

Affirmations work best when they focus on emotions or states of being you wish to cultivate. Aim for affirmations that help you connect with the positive feelings you desire. For example: 

"I feel confident and empowered in this situation." 

"I am surrounded by love and abundance." 

Keep them short and simple.

The best affirmations are easy to remember and repeat throughout the day. Short, clear, and concise statements are more effective because they can be mentally or verbally repeated with ease. For example: 

"I am loved." 

"I attract positivity into my life." 

Use affirmations consistently and with emotion.

Consistency is key to making affirmations work. Repeat them daily, and say them with genuine emotion and belief. The more emotion you put into the affirmation, the stronger its impact. Visualizing the outcome while saying the affirmation enhances its effectiveness. 

A pheasant pops up over a hill as the mountainous landscape sprawls behind them

Change the World With These Animal Reiki Affirmations

Here are easy and actionable steps to do right now and change our world with Animal Reiki affirmations!  

Practice tips for acceptance.

It can be so difficult to stay positive when an animal we love is suffering! It’s important to first acknowledge your distress, and then remember the Reiki precept, “Show compassion to yourself (and others).” It’s ok when we have strong emotions, whatever they are. Tune in, listen and be present with your feelings.

We must first accept ourselves in the midst of our struggles, so that we can uncover our strengths and eventually heal. It’s important you learn to be kinder to yourself

Try it out: Sit quietly near your animals and ask them to support you if they wish. Place your hands over your heart with the intention to give yourself love, care and kindness. Add the affirmation, “Just for today, I am doing my best.”  

Practice tips for positive interactions.

Limit the negativity you bring into your mind from what you read and watch. Take time to balance the negative by reading more stories and watching more videos that hold messages of hope and healing. According to science, the magic ratio is 5 to 1 (5 positive interactions needed to balance every negative interaction). Balance brings contentment. 

Try it out: Remember the Reiki precepts to let go of anger and worry. Take a moment to sit quietly and notice the places in your body and mind where the anger and worry are affecting you. As you inhale, imagine your breath as a pure, healing light that infuses these places with well-being and comfort.

As you exhale, all anger and worry can dissipate with love into the universe. Invite your animals to share this space of peacefulness, and add the affirmation, “All is well.”  

Practice tips for gratitude.

Did you know gratitude improves mental health? Focus on your blessings, and remember the Reiki precept, “Be grateful.” This will help you nurture the light within. 

Try it out: Write at the top of a piece of paper, “Things I am grateful for.” Take a few moments to bring your animals to your mind and heart and focus on all the gifts and special moments they have brought to your life. Think of all the joy you have shared together. Now, take 10 minutes to just write these blessings down. Don’t censor yourself or worry about grammar or spelling, just write from your heart.  

Practice tips for taking a moment (and a breath).

When we’re in caretaking mode with our animals, it can be easy to forget to take time to slow down. It’s actually really healthy for ourselves (not to mention our animals) if we take time to relax, and remember to breathe. This will help you ground yourself and actually support you to tune into your animal and this present moment.  

Try it out: Sometimes when we feel stress, we try to fill every moment with a million tasks so that we distract ourselves. Now is the time to stop, breathe and relax with your animals. Sit or stand near your animal and invite them to share the space with you. Bring your mind to the breath, focusing on the air as it naturally moves from the inhale to the exhale. 

Now bring your mind to your lower belly and imagine that each breath fills your entire body with peaceful light. With each exhale, imagine this light can expand gently into the space around you, creating a bubble of peace and light. Add the affirmation, “I feel peace in this moment.” 

Keep your focus on the breath and light, and see how your animals respond!  

Practice tips for changing the world with kindness.

Bring to life the Reiki precept, “Be kind to others.” This will open your heart to an awareness of abundance and compassion. Doing good, does you good! 

Try it out: Who are the animals and people in your life who are feeling down, struggling or could use your support? What if each time you interact with someone, you can bring a little more light to the world? With kindness, you can! 

Bring your focus to this possibility and find ways to help someone else today. Acts of kindness and care, big and small, will change our world for the better!  

Two dogs cuddle in a green hammock enjoying positive affirmations with their Animal Reiki practitioner

Use Affirmations to Elevate Your Animal Reiki Practice

Animal Reiki affirmations can take your healing practice to the next level—for you and the animals you love. From energizing your sessions with positive intent to creating affirmations that resonate with your unique bond, this combination offers a powerful pathway to emotional and physical well-being. 

Whether you’re just beginning or looking to expand your Animal Reiki practice, these tips and actionable steps will guide you toward deeper healing and connection.

Embrace the magic of affirmations today, and watch how they transform your healing journey with the animals you love!

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