Understanding and following Animal Reiki ethics fortifies a safe and peaceful practice. It reminds us of the important values in the undercurrent of each successful session.
Surely it is our animal nature that recognizes the divinity of the natural world in all its mystery and beauty, despite the distressing habits and limited perception that afflict our species. So perhaps our hope of redemption lies in the fact that we are animals, not that we are people.
-Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, Certain Poor Shepherds, and quoted by Marc Bekoff in Minding Animals: Awareness, Emotions, and Heart
I love this quote because it reminds us of the sacred wisdom of animals and how they can be such teachers to us! Seeing animals as wise, sentient beings who can teach us about life and healing is at the center of the Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics.
I wrote this Code of Ethics in 2008 to help create a standard for this profession, and today it is used by practitioners all over the world.
In this blog, we’re exploring some of the central themes of this Code of Ethics to bring focus to some of the best ways we can show up as our best selves for animals when we would like to share Animal Reiki with them.

The Foundation of Animal Reiki Ethics: Self-Healing
The AR Code of Ethics has a solid foundation in self-healing and self-development. Practitioners are encouraged to incorporate the Reiki Precepts into their daily lives as well as their Animal Reiki practice.
Because we are serving others, it is so important to commit ourselves to self-healing. It will help us keep our emotional and energetic balance, so we can be more grounded and centered for the animals we want to help.
Our own self-healing challenges will also provide the foundation of empathy for the struggles others face, so we can show up with more compassion for animals and their people. And most importantly, the more we clear our own energy by removing the blocks that our own issues create, the more deeply we can hold the healing space for the animals we want to help.
When I first began my journey as an Animal Reiki practitioner, I was eager to connect with animals and help them. But it didn’t take long to realize that my ability to help them depended on how well I cared for my own inner state.
In one session, I was working with a very anxious shelter dog, and I noticed that I also felt scattered and anxious. I made a conscious intention to focus on Reiki breathing and as my breath calmed me, I noticed that the dog’s energy also began to calm. That was just one of many early experiences in shelters that taught me a valuable lesson: self-healing is not only for me—it’s the foundation that allows me to deeply hold space for animals.
By tending to my own well-being and practicing Reiki for myself, I become a more grounded and peaceful presence, creating an environment that animals are comforted by.

Deepening our Self-Healing through Self-Development
The Code of Ethics also emphasizes the cultivation of personal values. These values shift our energy in incredibly positive ways that the animals can sense and feel. Because cultivating these values brings balance and harmony to our energy field, we’ll find it easier to connect to animals. In this way we can more effectively deepen our bonds with and create more meaningful relationships with the animals we want to help.
There are four main values that are emphasized in the Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics: humility, integrity, gratitude, and compassion. Cultivating each of these values within and beyond our Animal Reiki sessions will be immensely helpful to our ability to connect with and support animals when they need us most.
Animal Reiki Ethics Value 1: Humility
“It was pride that changed angels into devils. It is humility that makes men as angels.” ~St. Augustine
Let’s begin with our practice of humility. This is an excellent value to start with because to be able to truly connect deeply with animals, heart to heart, we’ve got to shed our ideas of human superiority and ego.
If instead we can approach animals, recognizing that they have so much to teach us, we can be sure that we’re open to their feedback and unique perspectives on the world and healing. This means we’ll be more likely to listen to the preferences that animals are showing us during sessions, and animals will sense our respect and feel safe with us.
Being humble when we’re with animals means we’ll constantly be learning from them! And most importantly, it reminds us of our purpose of simply being of service to each animal in whatever way that is most comfortable for them.
I remember sitting with my dog Dakota, while he was in hospice from lung cancer, and feeling all my sadness and grief overwhelming me. His diagnosis was a problem that all my human reasoning, actions and money could not solve. The more upset I became, the more agitated he was.
The only time he could relax in peace was when I would let go of all my worries and just meditate. Through meditation, I could remember that we would always be connected by our hearts, no matter what happened, and this brought me incredible peace. To be humble in the face of death required surrender to the flow and wisdom of the universe, and this was something my dog could model for me.
For me, this humility and trust opened the door for love to take over, and this was the only way I could get through this difficult time.

Animal Reiki Ethics Value 2: Integrity
“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” ~Thomas Jefferson
Being real with animals when we’re with them is vital to creating a foundation of trust within our relationship. If we act honestly and straightforwardly in our gentle approach, animals will be drawn to the session we are offering.
In addition, if our inner world, emotions, and spirit are in alignment with our outer actions (body language, words), our energy will feel balanced, harmonious and at peace. In other words, we are being authentic. This creates the ideal conditions for animals to trust us and this leads to deep bonds within our Animal Reiki sessions.
Animals require absolute honesty, as they just won’t accept anything less. We must learn to be completely present with them in the moment because this is how they live. Our Animal Reiki practice supports us in meeting them in that mindful place; it is there that we can most easily be who we are with a truthful heart.
Being honest is also a great support in our work with animal activism.
Animal Reiki Ethics Value 3: Gratitude
“Walk as if you are kissing the ground with your feet.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Gratitude is also another important value to integrate into our Animal Reiki practice. If we can focus on those things we are grateful for when we are offering Animal Reiki sessions, our emotions and energy will shift into a more positive space that animals can feel and trust.
Feeling grateful for being with animals as we are sharing Animal Reiki with them will also inspire us to show appreciation of them in big and small ways when we’re with them. This also builds trust and comfort. In addition, focusing on even small things we can be thankful for will help us stay optimistic, even in difficult situations, and this shift into positivity helps animals feel safe to connect.
Some of the most powerful moments of gratitude I’ve felt in my life have happened when I’m with the animals I love. Because they are so full of unconditional love and because they excel in the “power of presence,” they have taught me so much about what it means to love.
If I can learn to be here now in this moment with an open heart, to just truly “show up” with all my being, I can practice the purest and most healing kind of love.

Animal Reiki Ethics Value 4: Compassion
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” ~Dalai Lama
Compassion is a very important value for Animal Reiki practitioners to cultivate. By showing a deep gentleness, caring, and understanding of animals when we are with them, we can deepen our bonds and build strong emotional connections.
Shifting from pity into compassion can also help our own state of mind, decrease our stress, and help us focus on positivity and supporting a reduction of suffering for the animals we are with. Compassion naturally brings a powerful sense of well-being and peace, and animals will feel this in us and be drawn to connect with us.
When our heart opens to another being, we feel an overwhelming sense of well-being and compassion. And it’s this compassion that is the essence of meditating with animals.
To be able to sit with our animals (who may be suffering), not from a place of pity and sadness, but rather from a place of deep peace and compassion— being truly present with them—is the most profound kind of healing we can ever offer to others or ever experience within ourselves.
Bring Conscious Awareness to These Values
“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.” ~Eckhart Tolle
By being mindful and purposeful in the values we choose to cultivate and radiate when we’re in the presence of animals, we are truly honoring animals as we enter this Animal Reiki partnership. We want to make sure our vibration radiates an inviting, trusting feeling that draws animals to us.
In addition, by following these values as we communicate with animals’ people, as well as connections we make in our community, we can ensure positive, successful interactions and conversations wherever we go!

Tips for Honoring Animals During Animal Reiki Sessions
Besides being conscious of the energy we bring to sessions, here are some tips for how we can make sure we approach animals in a way that is honoring of them.
Active Listening
Give animals our full attention. Turn off our phones and get rid of distractions as much as possible. Use your body language and “reflection” to show animals that you are listening to their comfort and ease. For example, if your cat blinks at you, blink back. If your dog sighs, you can also sigh. If your horse takes a step forward, take a step towards them (and vice versa).
Finally, tune into their emotions in the moment, acknowledging what is going on for them in the moment with empathy, kindness, and patience.
The best listening we can do with the animals we want to help is not only listening with our ears, but also with our eyes (observing behavior) and most importantly, listening with our hearts. This means to really listen to what is under the surface of their behavior.
Even deeper than emotions, if we can learn to open up to an animal’s soul experience and listen to that in this moment: that is how we can begin to see the perfect inner light of the animal in each and every moment.
When we learn to listen to our animals, it can begin physically through behavior and responding respectfully to what they show you. With time and practice, we can begin to sense emotions energetically and understand even more about them.
Acknowledge and Appreciate Them
Another way to honor animals is to acknowledge and appreciate what they are bringing to the Animal Reiki session.
Their superior sense of energy and subtle communication, as well as their greater ability to be present in the moment is really amazing. These things we can learn from, and I also like to remember that anytime they choose to step into the Reiki space with me, that space is truly elevated by their spiritual presence.
Seeing animals as the amazing, spiritual teachers they are, can shift our energy into a generous space of gratitude that animals are drawn to. Just a few of the things that animals teach us are how to be present in this moment, selfless affection and love, and resilience and adaptability.
In these ways, animals show us how to slow down and savor life, cultivate more loving relationships and stay strong in the face of adversity.

Let Go of Fixing
Finally, we can honor animals by revisiting our purpose as Animal Reiki practitioners, remembering we are not there to fix them, but rather to hold space for the animal’s highest good in their own healing journey.
This means we must let go of our own expectations, wishes, judgements, and emotions surrounding their journey. This is not always easy, and that’s why it’s important to remind ourselves that we are simply holding space for whatever they need at the beginning of each session.
When animals can sense and feel that we are not pushing our own agenda, we leave room for them to feel empowered. By simply holding space for whatever they need, it creates the ideal conditions for a successful Animal Reiki session.
Read the full Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics.
To put all the concepts we’ve covered here in this blog into context, I encourage you to read the full text of the Code of Ethics.
As you’ll see, it’s organized in sections, from things to remember for self-healing, healing with animals, working with the animals’ people, and finally building bridges in the community.
By remembering the importance of self-healing and cultivating the values of humility, integrity, gratitude and compassion, along with remembering the main ways to honor animals as we approach them for a session, we can be assured of always creating calm and peaceful conditions for a successful Animal Reiki connections!

Practice Reiki Ethically for Yourself, the Animals, and our Greater Global Good
Imagine if everyone practiced the Animal Reiki ethics and values that form the foundation for the Let Animals Lead® method: self-healing, humility, integrity, gratitude, compassion, active listening, acknowledging and appreciating, and letting go of fixing.
The world would truly be transformed in so many positive ways, and it all starts with each of us, one mindful moment at a time.
If reading this has inspired you to start your journey of becoming an Animal Reiki practitioner, our ARS Academy awaits you! Come see the powerful impact an ethical approach to Animal Reiki has on the world around you for yourself.