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Blessing the Bones

This morning, we were planting some hydrangeas in my front yard, right along the perimeter of the house, when we discovered something unexpected: a fabric bag full of bones.

We determined they were cat bones and were very old. I could feel from the burial place that there was still love there, the love of a family for this special feline friend, and it made me think about how time passes so quickly. Our home is over 75 years old, and I wonder about the people who have lived here in times past. Forgotten over time, but now remembered and acknowledged, this discovery felt very sacred.

We gently placed the bones back in the earth, at the base of our new hydrangea plant and I offered an Animal Reiki meditation to honor this little one who called my home his home long ago. I offered peace to the grief that I know must have filled the hearts of the family who lived here at that time. I connected with the love that still emanates from here, and then I remembered that my own dearest soul dog, Dakota, drew his last breath under our tree just a few feet away from this kitty’s grave.

I wonder about other people and animals who have lived on this land in the past thousands of years, and I wonder how many of them rest beneath us as my family and I live our lives here. Those moments of love, laughter, grief and loss: we all share them. Most of the time, we simply walk through life without mindfulness of those who have come before us. Today, I honor the presence of these ancestors and the fact that I literally build my life upon their energy. And today I offer all of these beloved beings the compassion and peace of Animal Reiki.

Our time on this earth is so short, and yet the love that we share with each other seems to leave a lasting imprint. It’s this love which surpasses time and space and reminds us of the infinite nature of the universe. It’s this love which is revealed when our meditation practice opens the door into soul-to-soul connection with our animals. It’s this love which reminds us we are all connected, and how grateful we are to be here now, alive in this moment.

Have you had a sacred experience with the land where you live? I’d love to hear about it!

Did you miss last week’s Animal Reiki Talk for August. Our topic this month is: Finding Sacred Moments in Unexpected Places CLICK HERE for the recording of this special meeting.

Stay safe, be well and may the animals light your way,

Kathleen Prasad's Animated Signature
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