How does embracing peace really impact your life—and the lives of the beings around you?
"A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety." – Aesop
This profound quote from Aesop really puts things in perspective. Can you imagine that even in 500 BC when Aesop was alive, humans were worrying, and even noticing how that worry took the joy from their lives!
I guess worry is just one of those human emotions that will provide a lifetime of practice (gee thanks, worried thoughts!) for those of us working on living a more balanced life.
In Reiki, the second precept tells us: "For today only, do not worry." At first glance, this may seem impossible—after all, worry is a natural response when we or those we love are struggling. For me, this precept isn’t about ignoring our worry or pushing it down, but rather it’s about bringing awareness to it when it arises in our lives. If we can at least begin to notice our worry, perhaps we can start addressing it, rather than allowing it to snowball into overwhelming anxiety or a panic attack!
In the Let Animals Lead® method of Animal Reiki, this precept, “do not worry,” is not just an instruction for living a balanced life—it’s also an inspiration for finding creative ways to heal fear. One way to heal our own worry is through the power of staying positive in our practice. If you’re working with anxious animals, you can also find practical tips for creating a healing ”worry-free” space for them.
When we let go of worry, we step into a space of trust and presence that is truly contagious for our animals’ wellbeing. We become more effective, open-hearted practitioners for the animals in our care. Together, let’s conquer our fears and break through to a new level of secure and confident connection with our animals!
Through this blog, we’ll explore:
Why letting go of worry is so difficult—especially when caring for animals who are seniors, sick or have past trauma.
Why releasing worry is essential to being able to hold space for animals through Animal Reiki practice.
How the Six Pillars of the Let Animals Lead® method help us shift from fear to trust.
How animals, those living with us as well as our spirit guide today, Lion, can teach us to embody strength and confidence.
Let’s begin!

Why Embracing Peace and Letting Go of Worry is So Difficult
When an animal we cherish is struggling—whether they are sick, aging, or recovering from trauma—we instinctively want to help. But sometimes this “help” is just worry in disguise!
Here are some questions to help gain clarity around this for each of us:
Are we focused on controlling the outcome of the situation, rather than listening and responding to what our animals need and want from us in this moment? This can come from our fear of what might happen.
Are we using our actions to grasp onto the relationship and how much we need them, rather than being truly present for them in this moment of their journey? This can come from our fear of loss.
Are we lost in our wish to change or fix the situation, rather than simply being present with them in acceptance and open-hearted compassion? This can come from fear of what the illness might bring or fear that they won’t get better.
Sometimes we also develop a fear of doing the wrong thing, of missing something crucial, or of not being helpful enough. We can also see this when we’re assisting rescued animals; the weight of their past suffering can add another layer of worry for us. We may ask ourselves, “Will they ever trust again?” Or, “Am I doing this in the right way?” or, “Am I doing enough?”
But here’s the truth: worry does not heal—it hinders.
Animals live in the present moment. They don’t analyze the past or project fears into the future. When we worry, we step out of that healing space of presence—and our animals feel that.
In 2008, when my dog Dakota was diagnosed with lung cancer, I was so worried about losing him that I spiraled into a deep fear and determined that I could “fix it.” I proceeded to break all the rules I taught my students for years: beaming energy to his cancer to “cure it” and focusing only on his diagnosis, rather than seeing him as my long-time, wonderful doggie companion and friend.
For the first time in his life, Dakota refused Reiki. Not able to walk at that time, he literally tried to drag himself away from me with his front legs. That really was a wakeup call for me! I immediately put my hands over my heart and cried, “Why don’t you want healing, Dakota?” He stopped and looked at me with his big blue eyes, so wise, and I immediately heard his message to me, “Hey Mom, I know I’m dying of cancer, but you know what? I’m actually okay. It’s YOU who needs the healing.”
I suddenly became conscious of my hands that had instinctively flown to my heart – and realized – yes, I was the one who needed healing in that moment. I had been so overwhelmed with worry that I lost all perspective and completely lost my way with all the ideals and ethics I tried so hard to live by.
Although Iosing Dakota was one of the most difficult experiences of my life, through that moment of clarity, I was able to remind myself again and again to focus on LOVE, to remember to smile, and to see him as whole, even through to the end. Dakota’s last message to me as he passed away, was a strong energetic wave of JOY!!! that passed from him through my heart as he left his body.
It was a strong reminder not to give into the worry that sneaks in, and to remember the powerful affirmation that All is Well, because on the spiritual level, it truly is.

Why Releasing Worry is Essential in Animal Reiki
To truly support an animal’s healing journey, we must meet them in a space of peace, not anxiety. Worry disconnects us from the present moment. When we’re stuck in fear, we aren’t fully listening to our animal’s energy and needs.
Also, animals sense our emotions. If we hold on to stress, they feel it too—potentially reinforcing their own fears and insecurities. Healing only flows through the peace that comes from trust and acceptance. When we let go of the need to control outcomes, we create a space where true healing can unfold. The more we let go of control and learn to trust the process, the more we empower our animals to step into their own healing wisdom.
Several years ago, I was asked to share Reiki with a horse about to head to UC Davis for surgery. The horse was in pain and the people in the barn were running around panicking. The fear was palpable.
As I entered the horse’s paddock, I felt calm and centered, and the horse immediately approached me, rested his nose on my heart and deeply sighed. All was pure peace and healing. After a few moments, my thoughts began to stray to worry, and I found myself wondering, “Is the surgery going to be successful?? What if....” Immediately as I thought this, the horse jerked his head upward, away from my heart and walked quickly to the opposite side of the paddock, facing away from me.
His stark response caused me to look inward and notice my worried emotions swirling around inside of me. I went back to my meditation breath and calmed myself back into a space of peaceful energy. Immediately he walked back over to me and placed his nose to my heart with a deep sigh. Again, we stood in perfect silence and harmony, healing energy flowing strongly. This experience taught me so clearly how sensitive animals are to our inner thoughts and emotions.
When we allow worry to take over, animals will not want to connect, and indeed, we really have nothing positive to offer them. The good news is, we can change this almost immediately with the powerful meditative techniques in our Animal Reiki practice!

How the Six Pillars of the Let Animals Lead® Method Help Us Release Worry
The Six Pillars of the Let Animals Lead® method offer practical ways to step out of worry and into trust:
Meditation & mindfulness.
Meditation is our foundation and point of focus in every session, and through this practice we develop stillness, quiet the mind, and anchor ourselves in the calm, healing presence of this moment. By aligning with peace in this profound way, we free ourselves from fear-based thinking. Animals sense the shift and are drawn to connect with us.
Seeing the perfection.
Our thoughts and emotions are important ingredients in how our energy feels to the animals we want to help. When animals aren’t feeling well, it’s so easy to spiral into worry. In that moment we have to choose to shift our perception, and this will completely change our vibration!
Instead of focusing on what is “wrong,” we can expand our awareness to recognize the beauty and wholeness in each moment. This conscious choice to expand our mind in difficult moments can transform worry into a peaceful vibration that animals can count on.
Letting go of touch.
Because we aren’t as sensitive to energy as animals, sometimes we rely on our physical sensations to trust that Reiki is “working.” The problem with this is that many animals don’t trust humans, and don’t want to (or can’t be) touched. By letting go of touch, we are actually letting go of our fear that we are not “enough,” that Reiki isn’t working or even (and this is very common) our worries about what humans are thinking about what we are doing.
But the truth is, Animal Reiki sessions shouldn’t come from a space of worry, they should come from a place of deep trust. Trusting that healing happens beyond the physical allows us to deepen our faith in the power of presence and allow the animal’s own wisdom to guide us. It teaches us to let go of all those pesky worries about whether or how the healing is happening.
Letting Animals Lead.
When we Let Animals Lead, we are reminded that our role is gentle and passive. We are listeners, observers, and supportive companions on the journey of healing that our animals can rely on. This takes the pressure off us to “fix” things and instead allows the animal to show us their own unique path of healing. As we let go of our human “doing” and remember our way of “being,” animals, in alignment with nature, mirror for us the lessons of trust, resilience and surrender, all of which help us release our worries.
Each of these practices in the 6 Pillars brings us back to the heart of our Animal Reiki practice: a space of peace, trust, and unconditional love.
One of the first lessons in the 6 Pillars that animals taught me in my own journey was letting go of touch in Animal Reiki. And the animals who were the best teachers of this? Rescued animals healing from past trauma at the “hands” of humans.

What Animals Can Teach Us About Confidence & Letting Go
Animals are natural masters of trust. They do not overanalyze their circumstances or worry about the future—they live with clarity, presence, and strength.
Companion animals show us what it means to trust us as their caregivers and embrace the present moment. How often has your cat or dog reminded you that it’s play time or time to take a break from your work and responsibilities? Have you noticed how your physical and mental/emotional wellbeing is enhanced by petting and cuddling them?
Studies have shown that spending time with a dog can lower heart rate and blood pressure! I believe a big part of that is because animals are able to bring us into their way of being in the world: a way of being truly present and mindful, letting go of all the rest of things that often worry humans in our busy minds!
Rescued animals teach us about resilience and transformation. Have you ever adopted an animal and watched them overcome their past trauma and open their heart to love again? Have you ever volunteered at an animal shelter and seen fearful animals gain confidence and find their forever home? There are so many amazing healing miracles that animals show when given love!
Wild animals model instinct, adaptation, and the ability to let go of fear. By observing them, we can learn to release the mental weight of worry and step into a deeper state of trust and connection to the natural rhythms of nature.
One of my favorite experiences of watching an animal display miraculous resilience comes from a class I taught several years ago at the Medicine Horse Project in Somerset, CA. The love and compassion from the horses that my students and I experienced that day will stay with us forever! This amazing experience illustrates the power of learning to let go of “doing” Animal Reiki and learning the healing power of compassionate presence within an Animal Reiki meditation.

Lessons from Spirit Animal, Lion: A Teacher of “Do Not Worry”
Letting go of limiting beliefs such as worry can be difficult because sometimes worry is a strong habit in our lives. Inviting in the energy of spirit animals is a powerful way to shift our energy into new and more balanced ways of living.
Let’s take a moment to reflect on letting go of worry with our spirit animal teacher, lion. Lions embody calm confidence and trust. They do not waste energy on unnecessary fear. They move with intention and certainty, trusting their instincts and the rhythm of life.
As we reflect on the Reiki precept “For today only, do not worry,” let the lion be your guide.
Lion’s affirmation for us: "I trust the flow of life. I am grounded, present, and free from worry. I walk forward with strength and confidence."
As we reflect on lion’s wisdom, what lessons about letting go of worry have shown up in your life recently? How do you create space for presence and grounding in your daily routine, and what does it teach you? Let lion’s affirmation and energy anchor you whenever worry starts to creep in.
Want to feel the power of lion energy in meditation? Join me for a ten-minute Lion: Courage and Wisdom Meditation.
Greater Peace is Possible for You
Embracing peace and letting go of worry isn’t just about finding personal peace—it’s about creating space for deeper connection, clarity, and compassion. When we release the weight of worry, we step more fully into our purpose, allowing the animals we work with to feel our calm, trust our presence, and heal alongside us. Stepping into the true power of presence is at the heart of Let Animals Lead® Animal Reiki.
As you move forward, ask yourself: What worries can I release today to show up more fully for myself and the beings around me? How can I replace worry with trust in the natural flow of life?
Take a deep breath. You are exactly where you need to be.