As we look toward a new year, we invite you to embark on a profound journey of healing and growth in 2025 with our Animal Reiki programs and our amazing Let Animals Lead® community.
We’re excited for what comes next—for our practitioners, our beloved animals, and the ripple effect we can have on the world! Our 2025 focus is on the wisdom animals offer us—about embracing stillness, deepening trust, and cultivating patience—all while connecting with like-minded animal lovers.
But before we move forward, let’s take a moment to look back. 2024 brought incredible insights, memorable experiences, and inspiring teachings from our community. Join us as we reflect on the highlights of this past year and take the first steps together into an inspiring year of healing and connection.
Animal Reiki Programs You Don’t Want to Miss in 2025
Sometimes, we feel doubt or isolation when trying to hold space for animals during their health challenges. Together, we can release self-limiting beliefs and step into our soul’s true purpose: helping animals on their soul journeys.
Take the first step as we heal and grow together! This year, it’s all happening in the Let Animals Lead online community. We’ll be focusing on how animals can teach us about embracing stillness, deepening self-trust, letting go of control, and cultivating patience, all while fostering joy and community connection.
If you’ve studied at least Level 1 of the Let Animals Lead method, you can join this healing program starting December 15th by signing up as a Premium Member or All-Access level member in our Mighty Networks online community. Find out more in this video:
We hope to see you in our community in 2025 for a year of Animal Reiki meditation, mentoring, connection, and inspiration in a community of like-minded animal lovers. Don’t miss this opportunity to step into your true purpose of being Animal Reiki love and light this coming year, together with the most kind and compassionate people on planet earth, The Let Animals Lead® Community!
A Look Back at Where We’ve Been
2024 was truly a year of Animal Reiki discovery, inspiration, joy and healing possibility. We focused on eleven specific Animal Reiki themes of healing for the animals we love, for ourselves and for the world. Here’s a quick look back at the highlights of this past year, and if you missed any of these topics along the way, click the links below for more! We’ve had some amazing experts, experiences, insights, and healing support.
January: Animal Reiki for End-of-Life Support
January's Animal Reiki Talk and blog theme was Animal Reiki for end-of-life support. We explored how our energetic connections through Animal Reiki help us experience a profound harmonization of energy, compassion, and spiritual understanding. This helps us gently walk hand in paw (claw or fin) with our animals happily in their twilight days, all the way to their moment of death, and even beyond.
Our community experts this month were Gail Pope and Carol Hulse, experts on Animal Hospice, who shared their wisdom from their latest book, GRATEFUL for Animals: Spiritual Comfort & Wisdom in Life’s Final Chapter.
Our meditations were dedicated to support with peace and love, all animals in their final chapter, domestic and wild, wherever they are in the world. I know the ripples of loving kindness were felt throughout the world! I chose the Healing Space Meditation, which has as its foundation the Japanese Reiki practice of Joshin Kokyu Ho, a type of belly breathing which calms the nervous system and centers and quiets the mind.
February: Animal Reiki for Horses
February's Animal Reiki Talk and blog theme was all about the best ways to share Animal Reiki with horses, who are some of my favorite spiritual teachers! One of the most important things to remember is that we are only one half of the healing partnership. Creating a healing space can be so comforting and helpful to horses, but when they choose to step in and share their energy with us, they have so much to teach us about the healing journey!
Our community expert to support our theme was Chris Nichols, founder of The Medicine Horse Project, a nonprofit horse rescue, and her talk to our community was extremely heartfelt and inspiring. She is a true hero for horses!
Our meditations were dedicated to the comfort and well-being of horses, wild and domestic, around the world, and I am sure this created a beautiful ripple effect in the world for all! I chose the Healing Pond Meditation to support this, which I love for its focus on the power of nature and water to heal us and help us to calm and quiet our energy. This meditation is also a wonderful way to visualize sharing love with the animals we want to support.
March: Animal Reiki for Wild and Exotic Animals
March's Animal Reiki Talk and blog theme was how to share Animal Reiki with wild and exotic animals. Some important things to remember are staying positive when working with animals in captivity as well as how to create a gentle, positive space for animals who may not like or trust human beings.
Our community expert was one of my favorite people, Christin Burford, founder of the CARE Foundation in Florida, an exotic animal rescue with over 140 animals, dedicated to education about and healing of many amazing species. I’ve been teaching Animal Reiki classes at CARE since 2011, and I hope to see many of you there this coming February! Discover our in-person Reiki 3 and Open Meditation Day, our exciting upcoming courses at CARE.
Our meditations in March were dedicated to preserving the dignity and freedom of earth’s wild creatures and those captive, and comfort and happiness and agency of wild animals around the world. I chose the Earth and Sky Meditation to capture the magically grounded and expansive energy that comes with working with wild animals.
April: Animal Reiki for Dogs
April’s Animal Reiki Talk and blog theme was the best ways to share Animal Reiki with dogs. I shared all my top tips and techniques to let dogs lead the process and recognizing their ways of showing acceptance. By evolving our approach to let go of control and instead seeing Animal Reiki as a way of holding space for our dogs that is based on mindfulness, meditation, our dog’s agency—and their preference, freedom and independence—it's amazing to see how dogs happily come forward to take charge of their sessions and connect so much more deeply!
Our community expert was the founder of one of my favorite charities, Alice Mayn of Lily’s Legacy Senior Dog Sanctuary. Lily’s specializes in rescuing older dogs of large breeds, the most difficult kind of dogs to adopt out from shelters. They do amazing work and I have taught many Animal Reiki classes over the years at their beautiful farm in Petaluma, California.
Our meditations in April were dedicated to the safety and comfort of all dogs on the earth, especially those without a home and those waiting in shelters to find their forever home. I chose a focus of the Reiki precepts to help us focus on letting go of anger and worry, while bringing in the energy of gratitude and compassion.
May: Animal Reiki for Farm Animals
May’s Animal Reiki Talk and blog theme was all about the best ways to share Animal Reiki with farm animals. The most important things to remember here are respecting their autonomy and agency and seeing their perfection and wisdom in each moment.
Our community expert was the Director of Charlie’s Acres Farm Sanctuary in Sonoma, CA, Kaleigh Rhoads. Charlie’s Acres not only gives lifelong sanctuary and healing to many species of farm animals, but also teaches the importance of adopting a vegan lifestyle to help make a larger change for these animals in the world.
Our meditations in May were dedicated to holding healing peace and love for all farmed animals on this planet, and to heal the farm animal/human relationship on earth. I think it’s so important to hold space for the possibility of a new and more compassionate dynamic in the world for animals! I chose the Hara, Precepts and Animals meditation to help support this intention, a very grounding and positive, centering meditation.
June: Animal Reiki for Cats
June’s Animal Reiki Talk and blog theme and Animal Reiki Talk was cats as healers and teachers, and how cats teach us the 6 pillars of the Let Animals Lead method. The most important things to remember when we offer Animal Reiki to cats is to let go of our expectations, open up to the lessons they have to teach us, and of course, always let them lead.
Our community expert was Cynthia Burke, founder of Bee Holistic Cat Rescue, Care and Hospice. Cynthia shared many wonderful examples of rescue and healing and inspired all of us by sharing some stories of her best feline friends.
Our meditations in June were dedicated to holding the situation of all cats on this earth – those domestic, wild, in homes and in shelters – may you be surrounded by peace and love and compassion. I chose the Hands-on Self-healing Reiki practice for this month’s focus to help us to find grounding, peace and balance through self-compassion. Sometimes it’s easy to forget the self-care part of the equation when we are giving so much to help the animals in our lives.
July: Animal Reiki for Animal Activists
July’s Animal Reiki Talk and blog theme and Animal Reiki Talk was all about how our Animal Reiki practice can support our work in animal activism. If we practice Animal Reiki during our activist and advocacy moments, we’ll be able to find positivity and calmness in even the most difficult environments. Our Animal Reiki practice can also prevent and heal compassion fatigue, a quite common challenge faced in activist circles.
Our meditation in July was dedicated to freedom and dignity and compassion for all whales, dolphins and other beings who live in the sea. I chose the Sun and Moon meditation to support this focus, as it helps expand our energy and reminds us of our essence of inner light.
August: Animal Reiki to Transform the World
August’s Animal Reiki Talk and blog theme was how to transform the world through our Animal Reiki practice. The most important things to remember from this month were the power of positive visualization and the power of group energy in meditation to create change on the physical level.
Our community expert speaker in August was Brazilian holistic veterinarian Ricardo Gare, a longtime friend and colleague. Ricardo has brought spiritual wisdom to the healing paradigm as a vet, and I love how the example of his life brings together science and spirituality and can inspire us all in the power of Reiki to heal! It is possible to do better for animals!
Our meditation in August was to hold space for a new scientific paradigm that honors animals and moves forward with compassion for all species. Ricardo gave us so much to think about in this realm. I chose the Shine Your Light meditation for us to focus on this month to help us be the light for animals, no matter what.
September: Gratitude for our Animal Teachers
September’s Animal Reiki Talk and blog theme was gratitude for all the lessons in healing that our animals teach us! Animals, in their quiet, unwavering way, are the greatest healers and teachers, inviting us to walk a path of compassion, awareness, and deep inner peace.
Our community expert in September was Dr. Jeff Feinman of Holistic Actions!, a community group focusing on natural solutions such as diet, natural remedies and addressing the root causes of problems for a healthier animal. I loved his inspiring stories of the healing transformations he has witnessed.
Our meditations in September were dedicated in gratitude to animals who are our best friends – winged, hoofed, pawed and clawed. I chose a special Gratitude Meditation to help us keep this focus throughout the month.
October: Animal Reiki and Affirmations
October’s Animal Reiki Talk and blog theme was how affirmations support our Animal Reiki practice. From energizing your sessions with positive intent to creating affirmations that resonate with your unique bond with your animal, this combination offers a powerful pathway to emotional and physical well-being.
Our community expert speaker was a long-time student and friend, Bill Stevens. Bill has dedicated his life to service, been a hospital and hospice chaplain for many years and volunteers Animal Reiki in shelters. The wisdom he gave us about how to create a calm space in chaotic times was invaluable. I highly recommend his book, an amazing chronicle of his incredible life of 90 years.
Our meditations in October were dedicated to offering compassion and light for animals facing cancer all around the world – may you be safe and supported. I chose The Meditation on Precepts and Affirmations to guide us to a more positive frame of mind when working with animals going through difficult health challenges.
November: Animal Reiki Ethics
November’s Animal Reiki Talk and blog theme was the importance of ethics in our Animal Reiki practice. The world would truly change for the better if everyone practiced the Animal Reiki ethics and values that form the foundation for the Let Animals Lead® method: self-healing, humility, integrity, gratitude, compassion, active listening, acknowledging and appreciating, and letting go of fixing.
Our community expert speaker was Founder of Blackberry Creek Farm Sanctuary, Danielle Hanosh along with our very own Animal Reiki Teacher of Excellence, Sherry Morgado, who teaches Animal Reiki classes at the sanctuary. Danielle inspired us with her sharing about LEAP, a high school program created as an alternative to 4-H, to educate the next generation to be ethical and compassionate leaders and animal caregivers in the community.
Our meditations in November were dedicated to the relationship between animals and people and their ability to connect deeply and more easily understand each other. I chose The Meditation on the Guiding Principles of the Code of Ethics to help us go deeper into contemplation of how and why ethics support our practice.
December: Animal Reiki for Shelter Animals
This month, December, our meditations are dedicated in love and light for all shelter and sanctuary animals around the world. I’ve chosen the Healing Bridge Meditation to support this, as it’s such a heart-centered meditation and all about love. Love is the greatest healer! Our expert speakers this month is Leah D’Ambrosio, who will be sharing all about SARA (Shelter Animal Reiki Association), the nonprofit she and I co-founded in 2008, and Kelly McDermott-Burns, our SARA East Coast Operations Director. I hope you can make it to this special talk.
Thank You for Being Part of This Year’s Animal Reiki Journey
We hope after reading this you're feeling inspired to be a part of our Animal Reiki programs and community next year. As we enter 2025, let’s carry forward the wisdom, healing, and compassion that emerged from each theme and lesson of 2024.
With a renewed focus on animals as our spiritual guides, this year promises transformative learning and deeper connections in our practice. We look forward to sharing every step with you and creating a community where compassion and healing continue to ripple out to the animals and the world around us.
Let’s make 2025 a year of light, love, and limitless possibility—together!