Greyhounds make such wonderful animal companions: They’re often referred to as “couch potatoes” due to their laid-back style, and these nonaggressive, gentle animals require minimal grooming. So what better time to consider bringing a greyhound into your home than in April, National Greyhound Adoption Month?
But even if you’re not ready to add one to your family, there are still plenty of ways you can celebrate and support greyhounds this month. You can:
1. Be an advocate. We all know that the racing of greyhounds is inhumane, with dogs often spending 20 hours a day in tiny cages—and yet the “sport” continues actively in six states. Meanwhile, in five additional states, tracks have closed but legislators have yet to enact a prohibitory statute. Kansas, for one, is working toward reopening a greyhound racing track that closed in 2008, via bill HB 2180! Talk about going backward. If you live in Kansas, call your state senator to denounce the bill, which has been adjourned until April 27.
Internationally, the Australian government allows the export of greyhounds to Macau, China, where racing dogs ultimately live in inhumane conditions and are euthanized if they don’t place third or better after five consecutive races.
Social media is a great place to help. This site shows you how you can use your Facebook and Twitter feeds to help save racing dogs (including this cutie named Brooklyn, who ended up in China). To end greyhound racing in the U.S., sign this petition.
2. Donate financially to greyhound-centered charities. This is just a small sampling, but here are a few worth considering: National Greyhound Adoption Program, Greyhound Rescue Fife in Scotland (where Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling adopted her greyhound, Sapphire), Grey 2K USA Worldwide and Fast Friends Greyhound Adoption of California. A simple Google search will show if any local greyhound rescues operate near you.
3. Donate time or supplies to nonprofits that support greyhounds. Whether it’s taking these dogs for walks, fostering, offering meditation or Reiki, or dropping off gifts (such as laundry detergent, pet store gift cards, blankets or flea control), do what you can to assist your local rescue (and their dogs).
Need more inspiration regarding the pure wonderfulness that is greyhounds? Consider this: In addition to J.K. Rowling, Leona Lewis and Tea Leoni are just a few of the many celebrities who’ve adopted a greyhound into their home.
On a parting note, I found these pictures of gorgeous greyhounds online, posted by the people who adore them. Sometimes I wish I could have a greyhound, too!
Seriously mom, I don’t need a bath. I’m happy being stinky & dirty. I swear! #greyhounds #bathtime #spring — Ana Guzman (@mupwa) March 16, 2016
My little helpers #dogclothes #dogclothing #italiangreyhounds #greyhounds #iggys #tongueouttuesday #barkbox — Mustdash Clothing (@Mustdashcothing) March 15, 2016
This photo has made my day! #greyhounds #dogs Tried to re-create with Beau and Bailey @AnneMHayes 😉 — Sarah Hayes (@HayesSarah17) March 20, 2016
Gorgeous #greyhounds at Canberra Balloon Spectacular (pic: Vishal Pandey) @abcopen — Patrick Williams (@PatrickWilliams) March 25, 2016
Did you know that April is National Greyhound Adoption month?? No kiddin’!! They make greyt “small space” #dogs! =) — Tango Down (@Tango_Down_K9) April 2, 2016
Do you share your life with a special greyhound? Share your stories here!