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Incredible photos of animals loving Reiki you need to see

One of the best things about Reiki is how deeply it relaxes animals, even those that are incredibly anxious, depressed or sick. Witnessing firsthand so many happy, calm and blissed-out animals following my Reiki sessions keeps me motivated every single day.

Below are a few of my favorite photos and videos of animals loving Reiki. Most of these were taken at BrightHaven, a holistic hospice for animals in Santa Rosa, California, where I’ve had the honor to teach monthly Reiki courses for more than 12 years:


Rosie, may she rest in peace, was a sweet senior kitty at BrightHaven that always soaked in sessions with gusto. This photo was taken after a 30-minute treatment in the garden—where she came to lay at my feet for the whole session.


Asia is a large, beautiful rescued horse now living happily at BrightHaven. In this wonderful photo, taken on the very first World Animal Reiki Day, Reiki practitioner Joannie is sharing a peaceful meditation. You can almost see their hearts connecting in the photo!


Those of you who’ve visited BrightHaven will undoubtedly remember Jack, the sanctuary watch dog. He’s definitely got a big attitude in a small body and rarely lets down his guard … except during Reiki. He curls up and sleeps like a baby!

Teaching at BrightHaven

When teaching Reiki at BrightHaven, I’ve often got a cat in my lap, and this class is no exception. Clearly, Thomas wants to help with the lessons. I do believe animals are our most profound Reiki teachers! Photo copyright Judy Baldwin


When not on my lap as I teach class, Thomas loves to sit next to students practicing Reiki—and often by the end of the session, he is curled up and purring.


Children have a wonderful natural healing ability. Lily, a blind rescued dog at BrightHaven, fell into a deep Reiki sleep while spending time with me and my daughter.

Buttercup and Benjamin

Rescued from an uncertain future, mother and son cows will now be able to stay together at BrightHaven for life! They often like to lay down together and doze during Reiki sessions.


Harley, rest in peace dear one, often loved hands-on Reiki sessions, sometimes placing his large snout into my hands. He would make the most adorable snorts of contentment during Reiki. Photo copyright Kendra Luck


My senior rescued dog, Dakota, loved Reiki so much that he would often get a special smile during sessions. Photo copyright Kendra Luck


BrightHaven resident cat Neil, rest in peace, won over this student during a beginner Reiki class. She enjoyed sitting in Reiki meditation with Neil so much that we thought she might move in after the class was done! 🙂


BrightHaven rescued kitty Peanut loves to sleep. However, during Reiki sessions, she often curls up on her back, exposing her belly, with feet twitching here and there, as if she is truly releasing all her stress as she relaxes.


EJ, the most adorable mini donkey living at BrightHaven, has come such a long way! Once terrified of people, he has learned to trust again and now loves his Reiki sessions. You can feel the love and harmony as he shares Reiki with a visiting practitioner.


This is a typical equine Reiki session: Notice how Joanna, the practitioner, is allowing the horse to lead and not forcing hands-on contact. Mocha, a rescued horse living at BrightHaven, alternates between quiet connection and calm grazing. Reiki creates a beautiful peaceful heart connection!

What may not be obvious in these photos and videos is that BrightHaven sanctuary animals enjoy a holistic lifestyle in a feng shui home environment. Their healing approach is based on classical veterinary homeopathy complemented by a raw food diet, immune and organ support, and a variety of healing arts, including animal Reiki. Conventional medical care is mainly honored in the form of diagnostics, fluid therapy and surgery. BrightHaven is also a leader in animal hospice care. Through this special recipe of care, as well as the love given by staff and volunteers, special-needs BrightHaven animals find a new lease on life and thrive through their senior years.

Do you have any pictures of blissed-out animals loving Reiki? Share them here! (For even more photos, check out my Facebook photo album of my students’ happy animals following Reiki treatments.)

Lead photo copyright Kendra Luck

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