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My 10 favorite things to do in London

I’m so excited to fly to the UK this weekend for my Everything Animal Reiki and Equine Reiki Training classes at Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary! (If you want to sign up but haven’t yet, don’t worry—there’s still time!)

I always spend a few days in London before heading into the beautiful countryside to Remus. And now that this is going to be my third trip across the pond, I feel like I’m really getting to know London. With that in mind, here’s my ultimate top 10 list for visiting London:

1. Fave lunch spot: Ottolenghi restaurant in Notting Hill

Imagine the most delicious (and beautifully presented) vegetarian dishes you’ve ever tasted. I can promise you, I will be eating here at least once next week!

Delicious treats at Ottolenghi in London's Notting Hill

Delicious treats at Ottolenghi in London’s Notting Hill

2. Fave monument: The Animals in War Memorial

This powerful monument at the edge of Hyde Park was created to honor all of the animals who served and died alongside American and British forces during wars fought in the 20th century. The statue of the horse, in particular, is breathtaking.

3. Fave shopping spot: Notting Hill

The boutiques are amazing, as is the antiques market on Portobello Road. I only wish my suitcase was large enough to fit everything I’d like to take home!

4. Fave park: St. James’s Park

I love St. James’s Park so much, and for so many reasons: the wildlife, the beautiful flowers and trees, the reflection of The Eye on the water.

5. Fave hidden treasure: Mount Street Gardens in Mayfair

My sister Charlotte is the one who first told me about this place. Situated very close to Guy Ritchie’s The Punch Bowl pub and the church featured in the wedding scene in the film Love Actually, this park is quiet, peaceful and not at all touristy. Grab a bench and rest your tired feet.

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Mount Street Gardens in Mayfair

6. Fave tourist spot: Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey

If you love reading as much as I do, Poets’ Corner is a must-see. It’s so amazing to stand surrounded by the names of those memorialized: Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Dickens, George Frederic Handel, to name a few. (Note: Not everyone buried here was a poet.)

7. Fave bookshop: Hatchard’s

Located on Piccadilly, Hatchard’s is one of those bookstores that’s hard to find (or doesn’t exist) in the States: windy staircases, creaky floors, and real history (it opened in 1797 and is the oldest bookstore in the UK). Go here for beautiful hardbacks and a carefully curated selection of titles.

8. Fave chocolate: Melt Chocolates in Notting Hill

I love chocolate! Therefore, Melt is a must for me every time I visit London. The chocolate is to die for and the chocolate caramels melt in your mouth.

9. Fave place for brass rubbings: St. Martin-in-the-Fields

Located off Trafalgar Square in the church’s Crypt, this is the place to go for beautiful handmade souvenirs. It doesn’t cost much, and you don’t have to be a pro to produce a lovely piece of art.

10. Fave animal charity in London proper: Dogs Trust

According to their website, Dogs Trust is the “largest dog welfare charity in the UK.” I truly admire their dedication to homeless dogs—and they practice Reiki, too!

What are your favorite things to do, see or eat when you’re in London?

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