It’s the most wonderful time of the year … and also the busiest. Thanks to nonstop holiday planning and prepping, along with the challenges of regular life, many of us feel like we don’t have any time for ourselves to just breathe. But that’s when carving out time for a peaceful moment (or two) is needed the most. With that in mind, I’ve created three micro meditations for the animal lover to help you through these stressful December days. If you have 60 seconds, you have time to be mindful, to de-stress … to meditate!
1. Awaken Share this moment with your animal. Check in with your five senses and also your heart (emotion) to help you appreciate all details that exist right now. Tell your animal three things you are grateful for about them.
2. Ground Sit or stand near your animal. Breathe in through your nose filling your entire body with beautiful healing light, all the way to your lower belly. Breathe out and expand this light out of your body and into the universe. Repeat 10 times. Invite your animal into this peaceful space.
3. Connect See your heart as a beautiful light. See your animal’s heart as a beautiful light. Imagine your heart can expand out like a rainbow to your animal’s heart. Invite them to connect with you in that heart space for healing.
Tell me, how do you lift your state of mind when holiday stress rears its ugly tinseled head?
P.S. Three more mini meditations, and 10 tips for using art therapy to chill out.