Tonight’s New Moon reminds us that times are a changin’. With 2017 almost here, we know that there are so many new beginnings ahead of us. Reiki can help us release those things that hinder us and create a beautiful healing space for new things to enter.
Reiki meditation can help us to become balanced and centered amidst all of the change. Instead of descending into worry about the newness ahead, we can practice Reiki and find our courage again. Instead of being angry at things that are beyond our control, we can practice Reiki and remember all of the things we are grateful for in this moment.
Reiki meditation is also about becoming more mindful in this very moment. With the changing times around us, we might otherwise become distraught by concerns of the past or worries about the future. In truth, all we have is this moment, and what we do with it determines everything. In the middle of this busy season, take some time to sit with your animals and meditate to find true happiness and peace.
Here is a simple healing meditation on the Reiki Precepts. Focus on the following words as you sit with your animals nearby, or stand near your animals outdoors or as you walk in any peaceful place in nature.
Breathing in, I feel peace. Breathing out, I let go of anger. Breathing in, I feel courage. Breathing out, I let go of worry. Breathing in, I feel gratitude. Breathing out, I let go of self-absorption. Breathing in, I open my heart. Breathing out, I share the light of compassion with all beings.
As you ring in the New Year with the people and animals you love, may you be filled with the mindful presence of Reiki!
Click here for an audio course in chanting the Japanese version of the Reiki precepts for healing.