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Let Animals Lead® Method Foundation Package

  • 29 Steps


Course 1: Introduction to the Let Animals Lead® Method (One hour video) Open to all animal-lovers. This course teaches animal-friendly meditation practices and does not require formal Reiki training (however Reiki practitioners of all lineages welcomed!). Whether you’re brand-new to the concept of Animal Reiki, or an experienced Let Animals Lead® practitioner, this course will shine healing light and inspiration on your relationships with animals. Learn what makes the Let Animals Lead® method so special, the philosophy & purpose behind LAL®, the underlying method, principles and ethics. Includes a special meditation practice to share with animals, what a typical animal session looks like and what to look for and how to self-manage for a successful connection with animals. Course 2: Animals Should Always Lead Reiki (1 hour video) Your Ethical Blueprint for Honoring Animal Preference, including the ethical approach to Animal Reiki taught by the Let Animals Lead® method. Learn how to always build trust and confidence on both sides (human and animal) of the session.Get the tools that will make you confident in helping animals to express themselves and connect to Reiki sessions in ways that are unique and honoring of each moment. Learn how to listen to and honor animal preference within the context of a Reiki session. Get a Master Plan to always create the most beautiful, gentle Reiki space that will honor animals, no matter their backgrounds or the issues they face. Course 3: Volunteering Animal Reiki in Shelters and Sanctuaries the Let Animals Lead® Way. (1 hour video) Learn to set the most effective goals for your volunteering time, the best ethics to use each and every visit, tips for a variety of possible physical environments, how to troubleshoot common issues you might encounter, and ways to stay balanced and deal with the stress you may experience in a shelter or rescue environment.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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