Animals make the best meditation partners. It’s true! Their natural, calming presence helps to anchor us “in the now,” and they approach life with unconditional love, a real challenge for us humans. Next time your cat rests with its eyes closed, or your dog takes a snooze on your lap, don’t just think about how cute they are (because, of course, they are), but think, too, about what we can learn from them to improve our own meditation practice. Animals are natural meditators, with peaceful, nonjudgmental minds and open hearts. They remind us what we should all strive for whenever we meditate.
If you meditate with your animals already, you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t tried it out just yet, let me encourage you to try! Either way, let these chill furbabies inspire your next meditation:
Oops forgot #Caturday because…. Meditating cats — Tara Pelton (@expectsuccess) September 25, 2016
Candy and I meditating on my balkony? #Meditation #meditate #meditating #yogalife #yoga #dog #dogs #love — My-Happiness-DE (@kathicaprice) July 12, 2016
My Cat Gary, he loves the Buddha statues…maybe he is meditating #cats #love #CatsOfTwitter — Cristina Canas Ⓥ ૐ☯️ (@Cristina_Canas) July 22, 2016
Miss Banshee meditating. Warm car bonnet – Aussie Winter. Warm cats bum! — Gryphon Music (@GryphonMusic) June 12, 2016
My lizard meditating lol — bridie markiton (@BridieMarkiton) April 11, 2013
Meditating sloth is a way of life✨✌ — ☁ParisLeeJean (@ThatBandanaGirl) January 12, 2015
Meditating. With cats. — Author-Artist-Angi (@punk_vampires) June 5, 2016
my dogs look like they’re meditating but in reality it’s too sunny out for them — samantha carvalho (@sammcarrr) April 14, 2016
Meditating by Aimee L Maher Photography and Art Visit #animal #monkey #fineart #inspiration — Aimee L Maher (@Lovenature26) June 1, 2016
It’s a 4 #dogs in the lap kind of night. #cotondetulear #BichonFrise #happiness #mindfulness #meditating — Debra Brown (@debdog) April 23, 2015
Lemur meditating – such an amazing animal. — ƤƦIƝCЄ ❤ ♚ Ɯ☼☼Ƒ! (@PRINCE_LOVEO6) May 19, 2016
Another long day: thinking, meditating, contemplating and dreaming #lazydays #Itsadogslife #philosophy #dogs are wise — Thelazylab (@Tealsplash) April 6, 2015
#dogs #perros meditating oooommmmmmmmmmmmmm — LORE TIN (@soylore_rosas) February 26, 2015
What benefits have you experienced from meditating with animals? Please share in the comments below. (You can read more about this topic here.)
CLICK HERE for an inspiring audio course to help you and your animals get the most out of meditating together!